Public Affairs

Episcopal Poll Chaplains and Election Leadership Training

Register now for October 20, 2020 webinar

Clergy and lay chaplains interested in serving as a prayerful presence at the polls on Election Day are invited to register for a training webinar on Tuesday, October 20 at 12:00 noon EST.

This webinar, offered by The Episcopal Church and partnering organization Lawyers and Collars will teach public faith engagement for what Presiding Bishop Michael Curry describes as “poll chaplains.” Participants will learn how to provide a calm and loving presence in the way of love, peace, justice, and reconciliation.

“Poll chaplains can help to remind us that we are fellow Americans first,” said The Rev. Charles Robertson, canon to the presiding bishop for ministry beyond The Episcopal Church. “Our identity as people of faith – and our commitment to each other’s dignity – matters more than our commitment to a political party.”

The Rev. Stephanie Spellers, canon to the presiding bishop for evangelism, reconciliation and creation care, added, “We encourage Episcopalians everywhere to find ways to share God’s peace and justice now. Our communities need that witness.”

More information is available here and here.

Register for the webinar in advance here.

Other election resources for Advocacy and Engagement, as well as for Prayer for the Nation, include:


From Office of Government Relations: Resources related to civic engagement, the Vote Faithfully Election Engagement toolkit, a Sermons That Work election series of bulletin inserts, and a call for poll worker recruitment.

From Racial Reconciliation and Justice:
Protest Chaplains training on Tuesday, October 27, at 12:00 p.m. EST for leaders who wish to be a peaceful, prayerful presence in the midst of direct action and protests.
Register here.

Also offering From the Pew to the Public Square, a resource with guidance on moral discernment and decision making for social and community change.

In the EPPN 2020 Election Webinar Series:
Please join the Office of Government Relations on the two Tuesdays leading up to Election Day, November 3rd, for informative webinars – in collaboration with the Church’s Reconciliation, Justice & Creation Care and Ethnic Ministries departments – on empowering your vote and those in your community as well learning how to build on your advocacy from this election onward.

Both webinars will be in English, with simultaneous interpretation into Spanish available. // Los dos seminarios web estarán en inglés con interpretación en español disponible.

Empowering the Vote: Voices from the Church
Tuesday, October 20th, 3:00 – 4:00pm ET // Empoderando el Voto: Voces de la Iglesia, martes, octubre 20, 3:00 – 4:00pm (hora Nueva York)

Voting Beyond 2020: You vote Nov. 3, now what?
Tuesday, October 27th, 3:00 – 4:00pm ET // Votar más allá del 2020: Vota nov. 3, ¿Ahora qué?, martes, octubre 27, 3:00 – 4:00pm (hora Nueva York)

Register in advance here.


“Light a Candle – Pray for the Nation – Vote”:
Join the Diocese of Indianapolis in a public witness of peace and prayer. Leaders have created signs that can be downloaded, printed locally, and placed in yards or windows. Churches and dioceses can also add their own logos. Then light a candle and place it in your window each evening. Signs available here.

Season of Prayer: From October 27 through November 4, Forward Movement Publications and The Episcopal Church’s Office of Government Relations are organizing a season of prayer (or a novena, a nine-day period of intentional prayer around a specific intention) for the election.

Nov. 1 National Prayer Service: Sunday, November 1 at 4pm EST, Presiding Bishop Curry will partner with Washington National Cathedral to host “Holding on to Hope: A National Service of Healing and Wholeness.” The live-streamed service is designed to help the nation to share in confession, grief and hope in light of COVID, racial reckoning and the historic election. Stream from The Episcopal Church’s Facebook, YouTube, and home web page; can also be embedded on local sites.

Live Prayer Hotline: Personal prayer will be available in English and Spanish starting during the November 1 National Prayer Service, staffed by Episcopal clergy and chaplains, in partnership with the TryTank based at Virginia Theological Seminary and General Theological Seminary. The hotline will be open November 1 to November 5, from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm EST.