Public Affairs

Episcopal Office of Communication provides daily live, on-demand webcasts of Holy Week, Easter services

On a daily basis, the Episcopal Church Office of Communication will offer live webcasts and on-demand airings of Palm Sunday, Holy Week and Easter services from churches throughout New York City (Diocese of New York).

All live webcasts will be available here and here

The services also will be available on demand.

“Holy Week, from a Palm Sunday procession through the streets of Manhattan to a glorious Easter Vigil with a bonfire, allows us to share a depth of worship experiences to the wider church,” noted Mike Collins, Manager of Multimedia Services. “It's also a way for those who might be unable to attend in person to attend virtually and still feel a part of this sacred time of year.”

For more information contact Collins.



April 13 Palm Sunday

Saint Mary the Virgin: Procession from church through Times Square at 10:30 am Eastern (available on demand Monday)


Grace Church: Evensong at 4 pm Eastern


April 14 Holy Monday

Saint Thomas: audio feed of service at 5:30 pm Eastern


April 15 Holy Tuesday

Saint Thomas: audio feed of service at 5:30 pm Eastern


April 16 Holy Wednesday

Saint Thomas: Tenebrae Service Available on demand on April 17


April 17 Holy Thursday

Saint Ignatius of Antioch: Maundy Thursday Service with the washing of the feet at 7 pm Eastern


April 18 Good Friday

Grace Church: Seven Last Words of Christ at 1 pm Eastern


April 19 Holy Saturday

Saint Ignatius of Antioch: Easter Vigil at 8 pm Eastern


April 20 Easter

Grace Church: Festive Easter Services with choir at 9 am Eastern and 11 am Eastern



Saint Mary the Virgin

Saint Ignatius of Antioch

Saint Thomas

Grace Church, New York City

Diocese of New York




The Episcopal Church:






Categories: Public Affairs