Episcopal Migration Ministries offers reflections throughout Advent

Throughout December, Episcopal Migration Ministries is offering weekly Advent Reflection videos available here, with a focus on the refugee resettlement work of the Episcopal Church.

“We invite you into the journey of Advent with us, as we reflect on this important season and the ministry of resettlement and welcome,” noted the Rev. Canon E. Mark Stevenson, Director of Episcopal Migration Ministries.

Advent is the liturgical season that occurs four weeks prior to Christmas.

“The videos are based on the Sunday scripture readings and their connection to the refugee resettlement ministry of the Episcopal Church,” Stevenson continued. “They offer an opportunity to reflect on how God is calling us to “aid all refugees” in the name of the Holy One.


Also throughout December, people are invited to display support for refugee resettlement ministry through social media. Simply take a Selfie using the words #SupportRefugees and indicate on paper: I #SupportRefugees because…” and post to Facebook, Instagram, and/or Twitter. Email a copy of your Selfie to Kendall Martin to have your support shared on the official Episcopal Migration Ministries Facebook page.

This year, the Episcopal Church, in partnership with congregations, volunteers and our network of 30 local affiliate offices in 22 states will welcome more than 6,000 refugees to the United States from 32 countries.

For more information contact Martin, Communications Manager of Episcopal Migration Ministries.