Public Affairs

Episcopal congregations research info available

Based on 2015 data received from the annual Parochial Report, updated facts and figures about Episcopal Church congregations have been posted here

“2015 Parochial Report statistics are now available in English and Spanish,” noted Dr. Kirk Hadaway, Episcopal Church Congregational Research Officer. “The summary Statistical Totals tables report on 2015 Average Sunday Attendance and Active Baptized Membership.  In addition, there are multi-year breakdowns by Province and Diocese on Average Pledge, and Domestic Plate & Pledge Income.”

Hadaway explained that in 2015, active baptized membership declined by nearly 39,000 persons to 1,917,182, or -2.0%.  Average Sunday (worship) attendance in Episcopal congregations declined by just over 20,000 persons to 614,241 in 2015, or -3.2%.  Operating income among domestic congregations increased in 2015 by 1.2%–exceeding the 0.7% inflation rate the same year.

The new documents include:

  • Statistical Totals for The Episcopal Church by Province 2014-2015
  • Statistical Totals for The Episcopal Church by Province and Diocese 2014-2015
  • Episcopal Domestic Fast Facts Trends: 2011-2015
  • Baptized Members by Province and Diocese: 2005-2015
  • Average Sunday Attendance by Province and Diocese: 2005-2015
  • Domestic Plate and Pledge Income: 2010-2015
  • Average Pledge by Province and Diocese: 2010-2015
  • Financial and ASA Totals by Diocese 2015

Reports and additional information are located on the Episcopal Church Research page here and here

Charts graphing the last 11 years of membership, worship attendance, and plate and pledge giving have been updated with 2015 reports for each Episcopal congregation and diocese.  In addition, demographic profiles of the area surrounding each church have been updated with population data for 2016.  These resources are available here

2016 Parochial Report

Hadaway noted that congregations will receive mailed material related to the 2016 Parochial Report in the first full week of December.  “However,” he said, “this year the packets will not include a hard copy of the report.”

Congregations will receive a reminder of their login information in the form of their UEID (Unique Episcopal Identifier) and PIN (Personal Identification Number), and a cover letter from the Rev. Canon Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of the General Convention, instructing them to file the 2016 Parochial Report online.   Blank copies of the 2016 report form, as well as instructions and workbooks will be made available on the website in November.

For more information

For more information contact Hadaway or Christine Kandic Congregational Research Assistant.



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