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Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps: untold opportunities throughout Anglican Communion

October 27, 2015
Office of Public Affairs

Young adults (21-30 years old) have an opportunity to transform their own lives while engaging mission and ministry in the Anglican Communion by joining the Young Adult Service Corps.

Samuel McDonald, Deputy Chief Operating Officer for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society, announced that applications are now available for 2016-2017 placements in the Young Adult Service Corps, commonly known as YASC.

Currently YASC missionaries are serving throughout the Anglican Communion and in several international dioceses of The Episcopal Church. They are working in administration, agriculture, chaplaincies, development, education, parish-based and refuge ministries. They are serving in Brazil, Costa Rica, El Salvador, England, France, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Panama, the Philippines, South Africa, and Tanzania.

“YASC helps young adults develop as leaders by deepening their faith, facilitating engagement with diverse viewpoints, building confidence, and encouraging creative and independent thinking,” Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori recently wrote.  “A year of international service provides a young adult with a global perspective on life and faith, strengthening lay and ordained leadership within and beyond the Church.”

The application with additional information and instructions is available here The application deadline is Friday, January 8, 2016.

“YASCers are placed in environments of language and cultural difference,” the Presiding Bishop continued.  “This cross-cultural experience encourages and deepens new ways of thinking. In today’s multi-ethnic communities, that can help to nurture a deeper understanding of the other and to strengthen leaders to reach across all sorts of boundaries and division.”

YASC blogs with their thoughts and reflections are here

New opportunities for service are available each year. Among the possible placements for 2016-17 are Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, France, Ghana, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, South Africa, South Korea, Tanzania and Zambia.

For more information contact Elizabeth Boe, Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Global Networking Officer or Grace Flint, Young Adult Service Corps, Networking at

Check here for YASC features, articles and videos from Episcopal News Service.