The Office of Public Affairs

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Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps: Applications accepted for 2019-2020 placements

October 18, 2018
Office of Public Affairs

The Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) offers exciting opportunities to serve, learn, and share while spending a year living and working with communities around the world.

“From working as ship-visiting chaplains with the Mission to Seafarers in Hong Kong and New Zealand to teaching in church-run primary and secondary schools in Costa Rica and Tanzania or supporting the transformation of sustainable development work in the Philippines, YASC volunteers build relationships with communities around the Anglican Communion and develop global perspectives on life and faith that stay with them for a lifetime,” said Elizabeth Boe, Episcopal Church Mission Personnel Officer. “We see this ministry as a way to support young adults in leadership development as they explore their faith in new ways, engage with diverse viewpoints, and offer their gifts and skills in new contexts.”

Open to Episcopalians ages 21-30, applications are now available for 2019-2020 placements with the Young Adult Service Corps, the international missionary program of the Episcopal Church. YASC volunteers are currently serving throughout the worldwide Anglican Communion, working alongside partners in administration, agriculture, communication, development, and education. They are serving with ministries in Costa Rica, England, Hong Kong, New Zealand, the Philippines, Puerto Rico, and Tanzania.

Potential placements for 2019-2020 include (but are not limited to) Brazil, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, England, Honduras, Hong Kong, Panama, the Philippines, South Africa, Taiwan, and Tanzania.

The application for a 2019-2020 placement with additional information and instructions is available here.

Former YASC volunteer Jared Grant describes his YASC experience as “a completely transformative experience in every way possible. I came into the program with the pessimistic view of ‘mission work’ being something that was outdated, ill-informed, and out of touch with the Church that I knew and loved. YASC provided me the opportunity to work with and develop ministries that respect the humanity in all of us, ministries that protect the sanctity of creation, ministries that seek the crazy idea of peace in a world that seems determined to head the other way. It turned out that my idea of ‘mission work’ was the thing that was outdated, not mission work itself. I’m still proud to call myself a missionary of the Church.” Following his YASC service in Lesotho and Italy, Grant chose to explore a theological education at Virginia Theological Seminary where he is now a student.

The application deadline is Friday, January 11, 2019. 

The Rev. David Copley, Director of Global Partnerships and Mission Personnel, noted, “YASC builds on the foundation of faith, knowledge, education and experience that young adults bring with them when they serve and offers opportunities to be challenged and transformed by being fully present in another part of God’s world. Missionary service is first and foremost an act of faith and a way of being Church.”

For more information contact Boe.

Additional information about YASC, videos, and blogs are available at