Public Affairs

Episcopal Church welcomes new Safe Church manager, seeks youth ministry officer

The Episcopal Church Department of Faith Formation is pleased to announce the hire of a new half-time manager for Safe Church and special projects. After conducting a national search and subsequent interviews, the hiring committee unanimously selected Bronwyn Skov for the position. Skov will shift from her current role as officer for youth ministry in late February.

Due to the shift in the department, Faith Formation is now seeking applicants for a full-time officer for youth ministry.

Skov has served in the Department of Faith Formation for more than a decade, including time as department director.

Judy Andrews, a member of the new Safe Church, Safe Communities training group and former chair of the task force responsible for updating training, said Skov brings considerable skills to the position.

“She comes with deep understanding and commitment to this work, as well as valuable experience that will help us move to the next steps,” Andrews said. “I am thrilled she accepted this position.”

In her new role, Skov will be responsible for Safe Church, Safe Communities work within The Episcopal Church, serving as a point of contact for dioceses and congregations, as well as overseeing the creation and implementation of training materials. In addition, she will work on special projects for the department, including curriculum writing.

“Safe Church is an area of passion for me and has long been a part of my vocation since I began serving in Minnesota more than 30 years ago,” Skov said.

Youth Ministry position
The officer for youth ministry helps support ministries with teens and those who work with teens across The Episcopal Church. This position oversees the international Episcopal Youth Event and Evento de Jóvenes Episcopales, gathers with the Episcopal Youth Ministry Network to train leaders and grow relationships, works with the Youth Ministry Council of Advice to help develop policy and support, and supports the General Convention Official Youth Presence, among other tasks. Learn more and apply.

Questions? Email the Rev. Shannon Kelly, director of Faith Formation and officer for young adult and campus ministries.