Public Affairs

Episcopal Church sponsors Sudanese Leadership Summit one month prior to Sudan’s historic referendum

Members of the Sudanese community along with representatives of Episcopal dioceses will gather in Phoenix AZ for the Sudanese Leadership Summit Friday, December 10 to Tuesday, December 14.

Focusing on the theme “Considering the Past; Contemplating the Present; Collaborating for the Future,” the five day conference is sponsored by the Episcopal Church Office of Black Ministries, Episcopal Church Africa Officer, and Virginia Theological Seminary.

With the goal of developing a national network and strategic plan for ongoing Sudanese Ministries in the Episcopal Church, discussion topics include lifelong Christian faith formation; building leadership capacity for strengthening congregations; future theological training; and Asset Based Community Development.

Registration fees are $125 for a shared room and $225 for a single room. Fees cover all lodging and meals.

For more information and registration:

For more information contact the Rev. Angela Ifill, Officer for Black Ministries,

Upcoming Referendum

The Sudanese Leadership Summit will be held one month prior to a historic vote in the Sudan. A Sudanese-wide referendum is slated for January 9, 2011 which, if successful, will establish a separate Southern Sudan with full rights to self determination.

A Season of Prayer for Sudan, with comprehensive information for use by individuals, churches, groups, and dioceses, has been prepared to better understand the situation and to engage in the process. Available here:

Episcopal Church in Sudan:

The Episcopal Church:




Categories: Public Affairs