Public Affairs

Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop gives thanks for ministries of Bishop Herbert Donovan, Ven. Richard Cluett

Following more than two years of dedicated service, Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori has noted her thanks for the ministries of the Rt. Rev. Herbert Donovan and the Venerable Richard I. Cluett.

Donovan has served as Deputy to the Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop for Anglican Communion Relations and is transitioning his work into a consultant role. Cluett was the Pastoral Assistant to Reorganizing Dioceses. Both were appointed in 2008 for two years.

“I am deeply grateful for Bishop Donovan”s effective bridge-building ministry and for the gift of relationships across the Communion, which he has brought to this work,” noted Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori. “I give thanks that he will continue to serve as a consultant. His ministry has borne fruit in many ways, and will continue to do so for a long time into the future.”

“I appreciate the Presiding Bishop's kind words, and I look forward to continued opportunities to strengthen relationships within the Communion,” Donovan said.

“I am very grateful for Fr. Cluett”s work with diocesan systems in very difficult circumstances,” the Presiding Bishop noted. “He provided much-needed pastoral care as well as assisting with rebuilding diocesan structures.”

In 2008, Donovan was appointed for a two year term to serve as the liaison for the Episcopal Church to the other 37 Provinces in the Anglican Communion, as well as to international groups, organizations and partners.

Donovan retired as Bishop of Arkansas in 1993. Since that time, he has served the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Communion in various capacities, including: Interim Anglican Observer to the United Nations, Executive Director of the Compass Rose Society of the Anglican Communion, Assisting Bishop of the Diocese of New Jersey, Provisional Bishop of the Diocese of Chicago, vicar of Trinity Church Wall Street in New York City, and interim at Trinity Church, Boston. MA. He remains an assisting bishop in the Diocese of New York.

As an ongoing consultant to the Presiding Bishop, Donovan will interface as needed with other staff and key Episcopal Church leaders in ongoing Anglican Communion work.

In his position, Cluett provided pastoral guidance and assistance to the four reorganizing dioceses. Prior to this, Cluett was responsible for the coordination and oversight of ministry and administration for the Diocese of Bethlehem, where he served as Canon to the Ordinary. For 20 years he worked with parishes in planning, problem solving, and ministry development; with clergy in vocational and professional development; with persons in the ordination process; and with the diocesan staff, committees and boards that have responsibility for diocesan life and ministry.

He also served as Interim Dean of the Cathedral Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, PA, diocesan chaplain to Retired Clergy and Families, Bishop”s Representative for World Mission, and is currently a Conference Leader and Consultant for The CREDO Institute, Memphis, TN. He plans to continue interfacing with the reorganized dioceses through his work with CREDO.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs