Public Affairs

Episcopal Church Office of Communication features Live webcast of Good Friday, Easter services from Cathedral of St Mark’s, Salt Lake City

The Episcopal Church Office of Communication is offering live webcasts of Good Friday and Sunday Easter Services from the Cathedral Church of St. Mark’s in Salt Lake City (Diocese of Utah).  All will be available at no fee at

“Live webcasting services from the Cathedral of St Mark’s in Salt Lake City provides our viewers with opportunities for additional participation in services during this holy time,” commented Mike Collins, manager of multimedia services for the Episcopal Church.

These services will be available on demand. 


The schedule is (Note: all times listed are Mountain):

Good Friday, April 6: Noon Mountain – The Good Friday Liturgy from the Book of Common Prayer; the Very Rev. Ray Waldon, Dean, Cathedral Church of St. Mark, presiding; Bishop Scott B. Hayashi preaching.

Easter Sunday, April 8: 10:30 am Mountain – Festive Eucharist with Bishop Scott B. Hayashi presiding and the Very Rev. Ray Waldon, Cathedral Dean, preaching.



The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations.  The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.




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Categories: Public Affairs