Public Affairs

Episcopal Church House of Deputies Anderson featured in updated, freshened web pages

The newly updated web pages of Episcopal Church House of Deputies President Bonnie Anderson open doors to all aspects and voices of the polity of the Church.

With a freshened look, the new pages debuted April 7:, Among the key elements are insights into Anderson”s views, sermons and statements as well as a listing of her travel throughout the Church, voices from the 800+ members of the House of Deputies, and updates of activities of Committees, Commissions, Agencies and Boards (CCABs).

“The Episcopal Church's democracy, in which lay people, bishops and clergy govern God's church together, is a great witness to the world,” Anderson said. “As President of the House of Deputies, I hope these new web pages provide both Episcopalians and people seeking a church with a way to learn more about our mission and the polity that enables it.”

The updated look is a result of collaboration by Bill Joseph, a deputy from the Diocese of Ohio, and Barry Merer of the Episcopal Church Office of Communication staff.

On her website, Anderson notes, “In “Featured Voice,” you will hear from people whose work and experience I consider especially compelling.” Posted now on Featured Voice are Richard Miller of Diocese of Southeast Florida; Jack Finlaw of Diocese of Colorado; and Nancy Key of Diocese of San Joaquin.

Currently posted on the “Between Conventions” is a report called Intentional Engagement, from the Standing Commission on Liturgy and Music.

Assisting in the ongoing updates two standards on the pages – Featured Voice and Between Conventions is the Rev. Vicki Zust, rector of St. Paul”s, Harris Hill in the Diocese of Western New York and former deputy from the Diocese of Southern Ohio.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs