Public Affairs

Episcopal Church House of Bishops to gather in Fairbanks, Alaska

More than 125 bishops of the Episcopal Church will gather in Fairbanks, Alaska to pray, bless the land, visit missions, and discuss the business of the church at the House of Bishops September 21 – 26.

Hosted by Diocese of Alaska Bishop Mark Lattime, this meeting marks the first time the Episcopal bishops have gathered in Alaska for a meeting.

“The Diocese of Alaska is overwhelmed with gratitude and joy to be hosting the HOB,” Bishop Lattime said. “It is a gift to all of us in Alaska to have the Bishops of the Episcopal Church, and their spouses, to come and walk with us; become part of our stewardship story of earth, water, and sky; and to join us in blessing this Great Land. “

The theme of the meeting is Culture, Creation and Reconciliation: Bishops in the Jesus Movement.

The House of Bishops meeting will be based at the Westmark Hotel in Fairbanks.  However, the members of the House of Bishops and spouses will be boarding buses and planes to visiting churches in a wide area of Alaska, praying with the people, and blessing the land.   Among the locations to be visited are the Morris Thompson Cultural Center; St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Nenana; St. Jude’s, North Pole; and St. Matthew’s, Fairbanks.

Note to media:  The meeting will provide news, feature and photo opportunities. Coverage is invited. For schedule and details contact Neva Rae Fox, Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer, at 

Categories: House of Bishops