Public Affairs

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Spring 2016 retreat meeting: Daily Account for Tuesday, March 15

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church concludes its retreat meeting today March 15 at Camp Allen Conference Center in Navasota, TX. The following is an account of the activities for March 15.

The day began with Morning Prayer. The emcee for the day was Bishop Dean Wolfe of Kansas.

In the morning session, the House heard reports from: the Theology Committee, presented by Bishop Tom Breidenthal of Southern Ohio; the Ecclesiology Committee presented by Bishop Bill Franklin of Western New York; United Methodist Episcopal Dialogue presented by Bishop Frank Brookhart of Montana; A Life of Grace to the Whole World, an environmental curriculum found at presented by Bishop Tom Ely of Vermont; Bishops Pilgrimage to Ghana presented by Bishop Ed Konieczny of Oklahoma; Recovery Ministries presented by Bishop David Bailey of Navajoland; the Committee to nominate candidates for the Bishop for Armed Forces and Federal Ministries; Beautiful Authority Conference for women presented by Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real; General Board of Examining Chaplains presented by Bishop Larry Benfield of Arkansas; Galatians 6:2 conference to meet in Tanzania in April, presented by Bishop David Rice of San Joaquin; Bishops United Against Gun Violence conference in April 2016 presented by Bishop Jeff Lee of Chicago and Bishop Doug Fisher of Western Massachusetts; Union of Black Episcopalians presented by Bishop Nathan Baxter; Flint, Michigan update presented by Bishop Todd Ousley of Eastern Michigan..

During the afternoon business session, Bishop Diane Jardine Bruce of Los Angeles, Secretary of the House of Bishops, announced 137 bishops attended this HOB meeting.  Bishop Peter Lee was the senior bishop.

A video recap of the meeting featuring Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves of El Camino Real, Vice President of the House of Bishops, and Bishop Dean Wolfe of Kansas, Vice President of the House of Bishops is available on the Presiding Bishop’s Facebook page here

The meeting concluded with Eucharist presided by Presiding Bishop Michael Curry with Bishop Susan Goff of Virginia as preacher.

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