Public Affairs

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Spring 2016 retreat meeting: Daily Account for Monday, March 14

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in retreat March 11 – 15 at Camp Allen Conference Center in Navasota, TX. The following is an account of the activities for Monday, March 14.

The day began with a service of Holy Eucharist. The worship team powerfully reflected the diversity of The Episcopal Church. Bishop Allen Shin, Suffragan Bishop of New York and of Korean descent, presided. Bishop Julio Holguin, Bishop of the Diocese of the Dominican Republic preached in Spanish, his native language.  The Ministers of Communion included a bishop of African descent, a bishop of European descent who once served in the Anglican Church of New Zealand, the Bishop of Taiwan, and the Suffragan Bishop of Haiti.  The Bishops’ Choir featured the voices of men and women alike.

The emcee for the day was Bishop Mary Gray-Reeves, El Camino Real.

The Presiding Bishop, Michael Curry, offered a brief introduction to the day’s two plenary sessions by challenging the House to think about what bishops, as a community, need to do to help the Church embrace the mission moment in which we find ourselves.

Using three questions to guide their deliberations, bishops in table groups conversed on discerning the goals and focus of their work in this new triennium under the leadership of a new Presiding Bishop.  The table groups discussed: How do bishops see the Spirit moving in the House of Bishops and The Episcopal Church now?  What do bishops need and what do dioceses need to live into this call?  What adjectives would describe ideal gatherings of the House of Bishops over the next triennium?

The plenary discussions resulted in a wealth of input that will be collated into a plan for the House of Bishops gatherings in the upcoming triennium with a clear vision and direction for their content, education, formation, and common life.

Between the plenary sessions and during meals, the bishops gathered in small, self-organized, interest and working groups.  Among the topics discussed were gun violence, the Church and public education, racial reconciliation, and evangelism.

The day concluded with Evening Prayer.

Media Briefers
Briefers for print
Bishop Martin Field, West Missouri

Bishop Bill Franklin, Western New York

Briefers for video

Bishop Ian Douglas, Connecticut

Bishop Eugene Sutton, Maryland

Be sure to check the Presiding Bishop’s Facebook page for the video account of today’s activities.

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