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Episcopal Church House of Bishops Spring 2016 retreat: Daily Account for Sunday, March 13

March 13, 2016
Office of Public Affairs

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in retreat March 11 – 15 at Camp Allen Conference Center in Navasota, TX. The following is an account of the activities for Sunday March 13.

The day began with Eucharist presided by Bishop Rayford Ray of Northern Michigan. Preacher was Bishop Scott Mayer, Northwest Texas.

The bishops as a community have embraced the Lenten spirit of transformation.  Bishop Mayer’s sermon focused on the idea of being willing, not to win with Jesus, but are you willing to lose with Jesus – associating with those our world so often dismisses as losers but are really the poor and marginalized.  Bishop Mayer’s sermon continued a pattern evident during this retreat time in which bishops have explored the integral relationship of personal-story telling, including of individual brokenness with the church’s call to reconciliation. This, as our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry urges, is evangelism and results in new life.  The post-communion song caught the tenor of this time: “O take me as I am, summon out what I shall be.”  

Sabbath continued throughout the day.  In the evening the bishops will gather for conversation, reflection and sharing. 

Media Briefers
Bishop Jim Waggoner, Spokane
Bishop Chip Stokes, New Jersey

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