Public Affairs

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2014 meeting: Daily Account for Wednesday, September 17

The House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church is meeting in the Diocese of Taiwan from September 17 to September 23. The following is an account of the activities for September 17.

The theme for the fall meeting of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops is Expanding the Apostolic Imagination. This is the first time that the House of Bishops has met in Asia.

The day began with Eucharist. The Presiding Bishop presided and preached (Presiding Bishop’s sermon here She urged the bishops to ‘let the creative word of God take root within you and bear new branches…and be not afraid.”  During the Eucharist the Bishops renewed their commitment to the Core Values of the House of Bishops.

The Presiding Bishop and Bishop David Lai of the Diocese of Taiwan welcomed the bishops and spouses, and spoke of the significance of this historic gathering. He shared a letter of greeting from Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby.

The morning session concluded with a group photo of the bishops and spouses.

The afternoon session was devoted to check-in among the bishops.

The Diocese of Taiwan welcomed the bishops and spouses at an evening reception. In attendance were President Ma Ying-Jeou, regional dignitaries, officials and government representatives. Area clergy and lay leadership also welcomed the bishops and spouses.

Media Briefers for Wednesday, September 17
Bishop William Franklin of Western New York
Bishop Sean Rowe of Northwest Pennsylvania/Bethlehem

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