Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2013 retreat meeting: Daily Account for Thursday, September 19

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in Nashville, TN (Diocese of Tennessee) from September 19 to September 24.  The following is an account of the activities for Thursday, September 19.

The theme for the fall meeting of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops is Transforming Loss into Possibilities.

The emcee for the day was Bishop Sean Rowe, Diocese of Northwestern Pennsylvania https://episcopalpartnership.org/

Following morning table discussion, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori welcomed all to the House of Bishops, and introduced guests:

  • Bishop Tilewa Johnson of  the Province of West Africa (Gambia)
  • Bishop Suheil Dawani of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem
  • Greg Palmer and Mary Anne Swenson of the United Methodist Church
  • Bishop Miguel Tamayo, former bishop of  Cuba and Uruguay
  • Bishop David Rice of the Diocese of Waiapu in the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia
  • The Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the House of Deputies

Bishop John Bauerschmidt of the Diocese of Tennessee welcomed the gathering to the diocese. www.episcopaldiocese-tn.org   

HOD President Jennings was introduced to the applause of the HOB. In her greetings to HOB, she said, “One of my great pleasures in the fourteen months since I was elected president of the House of Deputies has been promoting a better understanding of the distinctive roles of bishops and deputies and how we both contribute to the mission and ministry of the Episcopal Church. I am glad to have a chance to foster that understanding by speaking with you today.”

Presiding Bishop Jefferts Schori celebrated and preached at Eucharist in observance of Theodore of Tarsus.

Dr. Elaine Heath presented Missional Wisdom: Beginning Theologically. Dr. Heath is the Co-Founder of the Missional Wisdom Foundation and the McCreless Professor of Evangelism at Southern Methodist University Perkins School of Theology. Dr. Heath laid out laid out a vision that challenges Christian communities to be truly incarnate. http://missionalwisdom.com/about/people/bio/elaine-heath/

The day’s business concluded with Evening Prayer.

Media Briefers for Thursday, September 19

Bishop Dan Martins. Diocese of Springfield www.episcopalspringfield.org
Bishop Morris Thompson, Diocese of Louisiana www.edola.org


Categories: House of Bishops