Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2013 meeting: Daily Account for Sunday, September 22

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in Nashville, TN (Diocese of Tennessee) from September 19 to September 24.  The following is an account of the activities for Sunday, September 22.

The theme for the fall meeting of the Episcopal Church House of Bishops is Transforming Loss into Possibilities.

The Bishops, along with spouses and partners who are meeting concurrently, joined in worshipping in local congregations in the host Diocese of Tennessee. Most of the bishops worshipped at Christ Church Cathedral http://www.christcathedral.org/ , or All Saints in Smyrna http://www.allsaintssmyrna.org/ , or Church in the Yard at Holy Trinity, Nashville http://chtnashville.com.

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori presided and preached at Christ Church Cathedral. “Lord, send us out from this service as instruments of your peaceable kingdom, send us in the name of the One who has ensured that our debts are forgiven,” she concluded in her sermon. “Send us to go and make real peace.  Send us, o Lord, to serve you.”

Following the services, the bishops, spouses and partners enjoyed fellowship, sharing, and hospitality with the diocesan congregations.

Sabbath is observed on Sunday afternoon.

A Fireside Chat is slated for the evening followed by Compline. The discussions at the Fireside Chat are private.

Media Briefers for Sunday, September 22
Bishop Oge Beauvoir, Diocese of Haiti
Bishop Martin Field, Diocese of West Missouri


Categories: House of Bishops