Public Affairs

Episcopal Church House of Bishops Fall 2011 meeting: Daily Account for Saturday, September 17

The House of Bishops of the Episcopal Church is meeting in Province IX in Quito, Ecuador (Diocese of Ecuador Central) from September 15 to September 20.  The following is an account of the activities for Saturday, September 17.

On Saturday, September 17, the members of the House of Bishops and the HOB Spouses/Partners group, which is meeting concurrently, visited various sites of mission and ministry in and beyond Quito.

One group traveled to the Episcopal Mission in Tulcan, located more than four hours outside of Quito, on the border between Ecuador and Colombia. While there, they conducted a prayer service at the bridge where people seeking refuge to cross, and they met Colombian refugees who have fled the violence and troubles in that country.

Another group traveled to an Episcopal Church in Ibarra, about three hours from Quito. The group met with clergy and parishioners and learned about the ministries sponsored by the church for the people in that area.  The church members talked about their ties with the Dioceses of Atlanta, Connecticut, New Jersey and the Cathedral in Indianapolis.

The third group visited a neighborhood in Quito, including an Episcopal church that hosts Colombian refugee events, a daycare, and a school.

The evening will provide an opportunity for bishops to gather with others in their Provinces for discussion and sharing.

Media Briefer for Saturday, September 17
Bishop Andrew Waldo, Diocese of Upper South Carolina

The Episcopal Church:
Diocese of Upper South Carolina

Categories: House of Bishops