Public Affairs

Episcopal Church Development Office 2015 Symposium: Community Engagement and Spiritual Formation: Stories of Transformation

The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Development Office will sponsor the Fall 2015 Symposium on fundraising, Community Engagement and Spiritual Formation: Stories of Transformation, on Thursday and Friday, October 8 and 9 in Atlanta, GA. 

“This year, we’re taking this very well-received event on the road to Atlanta in response to requests to offer the symposium in other areas,” noted Bishop Stacy Sauls, Chief Operating Officer. “Each year, important information is presented and shared at this annual symposium presented by the Development Office, and we are pleased to present it in a new region.”

Bishop Sauls announced that registrations are now accepted, available here 

Designed for development professionals and fundraisers at dioceses, congregations, and other Episcopal organizations, as well as clergy interested in parish/diocesan fundraising, Community Engagement and Spiritual Formation: Stories of Transformation will be held at Holy Innocents Episcopal Church, Atlanta GA.

Among the presenters are: the Rev. David Anderson of St Luke’s, Darien, CT; Erin Weber-Johnson from the Episcopal Church Foundation; and the Rev. Mieke Vandersall, a fundraising consultant. In addition to plenary speakers, the symposium will focus on opportunities for participants to share their stories and experiences.

“The 2015 Symposium will look to education, sharing, learning from each other, and spiritual enrichment,” explained the Rev. David Boyd, Interim Development Director for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.  “We are building on the foundation of previous symposia to stretch our understanding that formation and transformation are essential elements in a deeper appreciation of stewardship and fundraising.”

Symposium and hotel information available here

Seating is limited; deadline is September 25.  Registration is $250 which includes all meals and program handouts.

For more information contact Maggy Keet, Manager of Donor Relations and Special Events for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society. 

Categories: Public Affairs