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Episcopal Church conference offers opportunities for clergy, lay to explore mission in ethnic ministries

January 30, 2012
Office of Public Affairs

The Episcopal Church-sponsored New Community Clergy and Lay Conference will provide opportunities for clergy and lay people to explore mission in ethnic ministries.

Centering on the theme “Reclaiming our Mission; Reinterpreting our Context; Renewing our Communities.” clergy are invited February 29-March 3 and lay people on March 1-4; the conference will be held at the Town & Country Resort & Hotel, San Diego, CA.

“This gathering of Asian, Black, Latino/Hispanic and Native American clergy and lay leaders will provide a safe place to share hopes and dreams, needs and concerns, gifts and ministries, suffering and joy in the context of being the New Community,” commented the Rev. Winfred Vergara, Asiamerican Missioner.

Sponsored by the Episcopal Church Ethnic Ministries staff, among the plenary and workshop topics are Mission and Advocacy; Evangelism; Jubilee and Social Justice; School to Prison Pipeline; Doctrine of Discovery; Asset Based Community Development Training;  Ministry of the Baptized; Environmental Formation; Technology in Ministry; and Stewardship.

“We will address and discuss many important issues,” Vergara said.  “How is mission shaped in non-Anglo/European communities? How are ministries done in the context of marginality? How will ethnic churches find renewal in solidarity? How will they learn from each other and what role can they play in the mainstream church?”

Also included will be ethnic-specific meetings, inter-ethnic and cross cultural conversations, and multicultural banquet and worship celebrations.

In addition to DFMS staff, speakers include Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies, the Very Rev. Michael Battle, Ph.D. of PeaceBattle Institute, Inc., Bishop James Mathes of the Diocese of San Diego, Bishop Stacy Sauls, Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer; and the Rev. Sandye Wilson of the Diocese of Newark and a member of the Executive Council.


Registration and additional information is available here:

Registration deadline is February 6

Scholarships are available to ethnic delegates on a first come, first served basis; check the registration information.  

For more information

The Rev. Winfred Vergara, Asiamerican Missioner;

The Rev. Angela Ifill, Black Ministries;

The Rev. Anthony Guillén, Latino/Hispanic Missioner;

Sarah Eagle Heart, Native American/ Indigenous Missioner.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations.  The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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