Public Affairs

Episcopal Church conference focuses on small churches: New Chapter: Your Church in God’s Unfolding Story

Registration is open for New Chapter: Your Church in God’s Unfolding Story, an Episcopal Church conference specifically for small churches, slated for December 1-3 in Williamsburg, VA.

Part of the popular Start Up! Start Over! Conference series for small churches, New Chapter features keynote speakers, workshop sessions, and ample opportunities to share experiences while learning from others.

“The New Chapter Conference is a new offering from the Episcopal Church, and is focused on ways to help congregation express excitement and vitality rooted in the story of faith,” explained the Rev. Dr. Bob Honeychurch, Episcopal Church Missioner for Congregational Vitality. “This New Chapter Conference is designed for leadership teams from small churches. It draws on the expertise of leaders with years of experience in congregational development. This compact conference offers encouragement, new ideas, and hope to those committed to the future of vibrant ministries within small congregations.”

Hosted by the Episcopal Church Office of Congregational Vitality and the Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia, the event features Tex Sample, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and a prolific writer, author, and story-teller. The conference staff includes the Rev. Canon Jeunée Cunningham, congregational development for the Diocese of Southern Virginia; the Rev. Dr. Alvin Johnson, adjunct faculty with Virginia Theological Seminary; and the Rev. Dr. George Martin, author and consultant.

Registration deadline is October 30. Registration includes tuition and two nights lodging at the Williamsburg Woodlands Hotel in Colonial Williamsburg, VA; Thursday’s dinner and Friday’s lunch; and a complimentary breakfast.

To register:

For more information contact Honeychurch at

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations.  The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

The Episcopal Church:
Episcopal Church Congregational Vitality:
Episcopal Diocese of Southern Virginia:

Virginia Theological Seminary:
Williamsburg Woodlands at Colonial Williamsburg:


Categories: Public Affairs