Public Affairs

Episcopal Church Black Clergy Indaba: Visioning: Seed Time & Harvest

Make your plans now for the Black Clergy Indaba slated for Tuesday, October 15 to Saturday October 19 at the Sheraton Atlanta Hotel in Atlanta Georgia (Diocese of Atlanta).

The event theme is Visioning: Seed Time & Harvest, linking to Luke 10:2, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few; therefore ask the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.”

The Indaba begins October 15 at 6 pm with a festive opening Eucharist. 

Pre-event groups on that day beginning at noon include: a special symposium for clergy ordained eight years or less; rectors of congregations with ASA of 225+; and Liberians, Haitians, Caribbean, and Sudanese clergy.  Other groups are invited to contact Ifill for scheduling.

“The 2013 gathering will follow the concept of an indaba, which is an important conference of the Zulu and Xhosa peoples of South Africa,” explained the Rev. Angela Ifill, Episcopal Church Black Ministries missioner. “As such, the Clergy Indaba will follow the format of round tables and open space discussions on topics brought in by, and identified on-site by, participants for conversations.”

Bishop Michael Curry of the Diocese of North Carolina will address the gathering on the Dynamics of Preaching.

Registration deadline is September 25. Early bird registration is $450, $300/double occupancy, $225/commuter. After August 1, registration is $500. Registration is available here:

Ifill added, “The event is important as we share our gifts with one another in helping to build the Kingdom of God through raising up dynamic leadership for dynamic ministries and mission that impact the wider communities in which they are planted.”

For more information contact Ifill.


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Categories: Public Affairs