Public Affairs

Episcopal Bishop Wolfe Elected Vice President of House of Bishops

The Rt. Rev. Dean Elliott Wolfe, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, was elected Vice President of The Episcopal Church House of Bishops.

He was elected at the 2009 General Convention in Anaheim, California and assumed the responsibilities immediately.

"It was an honor to have been invited by the Presiding Bishop to serve in this office, and it was an even greater honor to be elected by my colleagues in the House of Bishops," he noted. "I believe the House of Bishops has much to contribute to the wider church over the next several years and I"m excited to see what we can accomplish when we work together creatively."

The House of Bishops is a body comprised of the 300 bishops of The Episcopal Church. It meets twice annually and stays in communication throughout the year.

The Vice President of the House of Bishops is elected at each General Convention for a three-year term. The Vice President assists the President of the House sharing the opportunities for liaison with the various bodies of General Convention.


Meet Bishop Wolfe

As Ninth Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Kansas, Bishop Wolfe oversees 45 parishes, two campus ministry centers, and the Kansas School for Ministry. He is a member of the boards of Episcopal Community Services in Kansas City, Episcopal Social Services in Wichita, and Bishop Seabury Academy in Lawrence.

Bishop Wolfe served for two terms on the Program Budget and Finance Committee of The Episcopal Church. He is a mentor bishop and an advisor and faculty member for the College for Bishops. He currently serves on the House of Bishops Pastoral Development Committee, the Planning Committee, and the Presiding Bishop"s Council of Advice.

Bishop Wolfe is an Associate of the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, (SSJE), chaplain of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem, and serves as Bishop Visitor to the Companions of Saint Luke, OSB.

Consecrated bishop in 2003, Bishop Wolfe formerly served as vice-rector of Saint Michael and All Angels Church in Dallas, Texas; and associate rector for community life at Trinity Church in Boston, Massachusetts. Following his ordination at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco, he began his ordained ministry as assistant and then associate rector at Saint Clement"s Episcopal Church in Berkeley, California.

Bishop Wolfe is a 1987 graduate of Miami University of Ohio with a bachelors" degree in Political Science and Religion; and the Virginia Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree, 1992, and a Doctor of Divinity degree, Honoris Causa, 2004.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

For info and photo:


The Episcopal Church:

Episcopal Diocese of Kansas:

Vice President of the House of Bishops:







Categories: Public Affairs