Public Affairs

Episcopal, Anglican women gather in NYC for 61st annual UN Commission meeting

The 61st session of the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women (UNCSW) meeting in New York City March 13 to March 24 will gather women and girls, men and boys from the Episcopal Church and throughout the Anglican Communion.

The 2017 UNCSW Priority Theme is “Women’s economic empowerment in the changing world of work.”  A major focus will continue to be the implementation of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals

The provincial delegate and the Episcopal Church delegates will be able to attend the UNCSW official meetings as observers on the floor of the United Nations and will represent the Episcopal Church/Anglican Communion in their advocacy. They will be able to report on United Nations meetings during debriefs, speak about official Episcopal Church priorities with United Nations entities and permanent mission representatives, attend parallel events, and reflect during UNCSW on how they can share the knowledge when they return to their communities and train new women leaders.

Information is available here

Of note for the event:

  • The Episcopal Church will host an opening Eucharist at 12:10 pm Eastern on Monday, March 13 in the Chapel of Christ the Lord in the Episcopal Church Center, during which the Rev. Margaret Rose will celebrate and the Rev. Deacon Carey Chirico will preach. A group of young adults and their parents from St. George’s Episcopal Church in Fredericksburg, VA will write and lead the Prayers of the People.
  • Regular midday Eucharist worship will continue Monday-Friday in the Chapel of Christ the Lord at 12:10 pm Eastern.
  • On March 15, 10 am – 11:30 am, the Anglican Communion will host Fereshteh Forough, Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Code to Inspire speaking in the Chapel of Christ the Lord. The Anglican Communion also will host parallel events at the Church Center for the United Nations.
  • On March 21, a special UNCSW Eucharist for participants, Episcopal Church Center staff and the public will feature Presiding Bishop Michael Curry as the preacher and the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, President of the House of Deputies, as the celebrant. At 3 pm – 4 pm, Presiding Bishop Curry and President Jennings will welcome participants to a conversation in the Chapel of Christ the Lord.
  • There will be a closing Eucharist on March 24 at 12:10 pm Eastern and will incorporate the stories, songs and experiences of the delegates.

In addition to these events at the Episcopal Church Center, Episcopalians will be organizing many other UNCSW parallel events and worship opportunities throughout New York City, at the Church Center for the United Nations, and at churches in the Episcopal Diocese of New York.  More information is located here  

The Episcopal Church Center, located one block from the United Nations, will provide hospitality space for participants throughout the two weeks.

Episcopal delegates

Twenty Episcopal delegates and one Episcopal provincial representative to the Anglican Communion delegation will attend the official UNCSW proceedings at the United Nations and represent the Episcopal Church’s positions.

The UNCSW delegation is: Jennifer Allen, Diocese of Kansas; Delores Alleyne, Diocese of Connecticut; Dr. Damaris De Jesús Carrasquillo, Diocese of Puerto Rico; Dr. Elayne Gallagher, Diocese of Colorado; Katherine Gould, Diocese of Southeast Florida; Pragedes Coromoto Jimenez de Salazar, Diocese of Venezuela; the Rev. Yein Esther Kim, Diocese of Los Angeles; Kirsten Lee, Diocese of Kansas; the Rev. Irene E. Maliaman, Diocese of Hawaii; Emma Palmer, Diocese of Oklahoma; Karma Quick-Panwala, Diocese of California; Thomasina Rogers, Diocese of Washington; Rebecca Rosen, Diocese of Michigan; Dr. Lupe Ayllon Ruiz, Diocese of Central Florida; Charlene Rusnak, Diocese of Virginia; Angela Smith, Diocese of Western Kansas; and Sandra Squires, Diocese of Nebraska.

The Episcopal Church staff members named to the delegation are:  Lynnaia Main, Episcopal Church Representative to the United Nations; Rachel McDaniel, Julia Chester Emery United Thank Offering intern; and the Rev. Glenda McQueen, Staff Officer for Latin America and the Caribbean.

Erin Morey of the Diocese of Pittsburgh will serve as the provincial delegate to represent the Episcopal Church to the Anglican Communion delegation.

Episcopal delegates will represent the Church through advocacy, including training, ecumenical worship, visiting permanent missions at the United Nations, and continuing advocacy upon return to their local communities.

For more information about UNCSW, contact Lynnaia Main




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