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Ecumenical coalition offers webinar and resources as Pentecost approaches during COVID-19 pandemic

May 13, 2020
Office of Public Affairs

Three major ecumenical groups in the United States, Christian Churches Together (CCT), Churches Uniting in Christ (CUIC), and the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA (NCC), are coming together to invite their member communions and organizations to join in unity this May for training and support.  As followers of Christ prepare for Pentecost, these organizations are offering voices of hope and reconciliation by creating two webinars and an ecumenical resource sheet for all churches and Christians in the U.S. to engage. 

May 14, 1:30pm ET webinar – “What Communities Need to Know about COVID-19 and Reopening”
The interactive webinar will include representatives from the Centers for Disease Control interacting with ecumenical leaders. Click here to register.

May 28, 1:3opm ET webinar – “Pentecost Voices: Reclaiming Hope in the New Normal”
This webinar will feature leading Christian voices in the US sharing about how to reclaim hope in life after the pandemic. Click here to register.

Ecumenical Information Resource Sheet
This informational sheet includes numerous links for articles, blogs and ways to engage in the “new normal.” The resources were collected from many faith communions and organizations.  Click here to access this resource.

Additional resources include a Communications Toolkit and graphics for sharing information about the webinars and resource sheet. These items can be accessed here and here.