Don’t miss the excitement of the Royal Wedding as Presiding Bishop Curry preaches

The Office of Communication is providing avenues to view and follow the May 19 Royal Wedding and the sermon presented by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. 

Presiding Bishop Curry will preach at the royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. The wedding of the Prince Henry Charles Albert David of Wales – member of the English royal family and sixth in line for the throne – and Rachel Meghan Markle, an American actress, will occur at St. George’s Chapel at Windsor Castle on May 19 at Noon London time.

To insure that this event is available to the Church:
•    On social media, follow the event 
o    on Facebook here   
o    on Twitter here  #Episcopal #RoyalWedding
o    on Instagram here  

•    For full Episcopal News Service coverage, visit here

•    Live coverage of the royal wedding can be viewed online via PBS here and BBC America here  

Presiding Bishop’s reflections on the event along with coverage by Episcopal News Service will be issued on Saturday.