Public Affairs

Discussion questions for adults and youth available on the Ferguson decision

With a focus on Advent, The Episcopal Church has prepared a series of resources as well as discussion questions for adult forums and youth gatherings to provide for understanding, reflecting and praying following the recent announcement of the grand jury decision in Ferguson, MO,

Prepared by the Missionary Society, Talking about Ferguson in our Congregations is available here

As noted in Talking about Ferguson in our Congregations“Many congregations will host conversations about Ferguson this Advent season. Advent is a good time to take up the deep work of encountering racism and other issues that divide us.”

Included are a series of Bible citations; Conversation Starters for elementary school children; Conversation Starters for youth; Conversation Starters for adults; and resources such as Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s statement on Ferguson.

The document states: “Advent is a time for waiting with hope…As your congregations talk about the events in the news, we invite you to use these resources and conversation starters.”

Additional resources

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori’s statement here

A Way Forward: Reflections, Resources & Stories Concerning Ferguson, Racial Justice & Reconciliation here

Episcopal Diocese of Missouri Bishop Wayne Smith statement here

Episcopal Diocese of Missouri here

Christ Church Cathedral, St. Louis, MO here

Share Your Story here Share and post personal stories of experiences with racism, structures of inequality, and racial reconciliation.

Reflections from Episcopalians here Among those presenting reflections are: Annette Buchanan, National President for the Union of Black Episcopalians (UBE); Dr. Anita Parrott George, Executive Council Member, and Vice Chair of the Advisory Board of the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation, University of Mississippi; the Very Rev. Mike Kinman, dean of Christ Church Cathedral in downtown St. Louis.

Practices for racial reconciliation here

Statements here

Blogs here on Social Justice and Advocacy Engagement by Charles Wynder, Jr., Episcopal Church Missioner for Social Equality, Advocacy Engagement

Many dioceses, cathedrals and churches have conducted prayer services and vigils; check local websites for more information.


Categories: Ferguson