Public Affairs

Deadline nears for 2016-2017 Conant Grants applications

The February 15 deadline nears for applications for Conant Grants from The Episcopal Church for the 2016-2017 academic year.

Conant Grant funds are provided for the improvement of seminary-based theological education. Specifically, the grants are directed for the support of research, writing and course development undertaken by faculty members at the recognized Episcopal seminaries in the United States.

Information, instructions, and application are available here 

Deadline for submitting an application is Monday, February 15. Grant recipients will be announced on or about March 15.

The funds are derived from a trust fund established by William S. and Mary M. Conant in 1953. 

Applications should be submitted to Ann Hercules, Mission Grants Associate. For more information contact Hercules at 212‑716‑6321 or