Public Affairs

Consider donations to Episcopal Church Mission Funding for Easter

This Easter, consider giving your loved ones a gift that lasts, rather than a bunny that melts.

“Easter is one of our holidays that inspires generosity and giving,” explained the Rev. Susan McCone, director of the Episcopal Church's Mission Funding. “In this Easter season, when all things old become new and renewed, a gift to The Episcopal Church signals a renewed commitment to the Church and its mission.”

Donations may be made on special occasions, to celebrate the birth or Baptism of a child, as a holiday gift such as for Easter, or as a memorial.

Donors may direct their gifts to several areas of mission and ministry:

The Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society Endowment Fund, an endowed fund that contributes to the Church”s budget;
The Episcopal Church Fund, an unrestricted fund that provides general financial support for the current work of the wider Church;
The Archives New Building Fund, an unrestricted fund to support the building of a new Episcopal Archives and Mission Research Center;
The United Thank Offering, a program that distributes domestic and international grants, directly affecting the lives of women and children and addressing compelling human need;
The St. Ives Fund, which provides financial support for efforts to preserve the Church”s heritage.

To donate, click on the red Give to the Episcopal Church button located on the Episcopal Church website home page There are no minimum or maximum gift restrictions. The system is secure, and no donor information will be shared, sold or compromised.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs