Committee seeks feedback on anti-racism and racial reconciliation training document

The Executive Council Committee on Anti-Racism (ECCAR) is seeking feedback on a draft of a comprehensive framework for anti-racism and racial reconciliation training for use in congregations, dioceses, institutions, and groups.

Named A Framework for Anti-Racism And Racial Reconciliation Training in the Episcopal Church, the draft is located here.

“The Framework for Anti-Racism and Racial Reconciliation Training was produced over the past year based on the experiences of ECCAR members with input of many people from across the church,” noted James McKim, ECCAR chair.

McKim added: “The purpose of this document is to set the standard for capabilities we feel people should have to do this work on behalf of the Church. The purpose of this release is to be an introduction to the Framework and to obtain feedback before final publishing.  The expectation is that the final Framework description will be available on the Racial Reconciliation page of the Episcopal Church website,”

The Framework includes: learning objectives; key concepts and components; and a rubric that describes the levels of knowledge and capabilities necessary for those the Church certifies as prepared to participate in, lead, or teach.

The framework will be considered at General Convention 2018 in July.

Deadline for offering feedback to is May 10.

Members of the Episcopal Church Executive Council on Anti-Racism for the 2016-2018 triennium are: James McKim of New Hampshire, Chair; the Rev. Cindy Nawrocki of Western Michigan, Vice-Chair; the Rev. Patricia Steagall of Oregon, Secretary; Carla Burns of New York; the Rev. Emilio Martin Fumero of the Dominican Republic; Dr. Navita James of Southwest Florida; Ayesha Mutope-Johnson of Texas; the Rev. Timothy Seamans of Virginia; the Rev. Dr. Angela Shepherd of Atlanta; Bishop Prince Singh of Rochester; and the Ven. Paul Sneve of South Dakota. The Rev. Jabriel Ballentine of Central Florida serves as the Executive Council liaison, and Heidi Kim, Episcopal Church staff officer for Racial Reconciliation, serves as the staff liaison to ECCAR.

For more information contact Kim.