Public Affairs

Comments invited on Episcopal Church draft 2019-2021 budget

The Episcopal Church Joint Standing Committee on Program, Budget and Finance (known as PB&F) invites comments on the draft budget for the 2019-2021 triennium.

PB&F met February 5-7 in Linthicum Heights, MD to extensively review the draft budget for the 2019-2021 triennium that had been adopted by Executive Council on January 24.

To focus on its work, PB&F broke into four sub-committees:

•           Racial Reconciliation and Justice

•           Evangelism and Mission within the Church

•           Mission Beyond the Church and Creation Care

•           Ministry of the Presiding Bishop, Governance and Finance, Legal and Operations. 

“Members of those committees are now becoming experts in those areas,” commented Barbara Miles, Chair of PB&F. “During the meetings, senior members of Episcopal Church staff were available to answer specific questions about the ministries under their responsibility.”

Comments invited

The Episcopal Church draft budget for the 2019-2021 triennium is available here.  

PB&F invites comments on the draft budget.  Feedback can be recorded here. 

Deadline for offering feedback is Thursday, May 31.

PB&F will hold face-to-face hearings during General Convention and reminds the church that all resolutions must be filed by 5 pm Central on July 7, the 2nd day of Convention.

General Convention

The 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held Thursday, July 5 to Friday, July 13 at The Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas (Diocese of Texas).

The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years to consider the legislative business of the church.  General Convention is the bicameral governing body of the Church, comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Church, at more than 800 members. Between Conventions, the General Convention continues to work through its committees and commissions.  The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church carries out the programs and policies adopted by General Convention.