The Office of Public Affairs

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Churchwide Bible Reading Initiative Begins in Epiphany 2020

November 22, 2019
Office of Public Affairs

Forward Movement, along with partners from across the Episcopal Church and the Anglican Church of Canada, invites followers of Jesus to participate in the Good Book Club, a churchwide Bible reading initiative. The Good Book Club will focus on the Gospel of John, with participants reading a section of scripture each day during the Epiphany season, starting on January 6, 2020. 

“The Good book Club is helping us to read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the holy scripture, anew in our time,” said Presiding Bishop Michael B. Curry. “The Good Book Club is a helpful tool to engaging in ‘Learn,’ one of the seven Way of Love practices for a Jesus-centered life.”

This is the third year for the Good Book Club, an initiative designed to support and encourage daily scripture. For the first time, the Anglican Church of Canada is actively participating with a special webinar offered by the Montreal Diocesan Theological College Also new this year is an invitation from the Episcopal Asset Map for all congregations named St. John’s to participate by sharing how God is at work in their communities. (To participate, email

Other partners include the United Thank Offering, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Building Faith, Episcopal Church Foundation, The Living Church, the Diocese of the Central Gulf Coast, Forma,, ChurchNext, Missional Voices, the Episcopal Church’s evangelism ministry and office of communication, and RenewalWorks.

“When we embrace scripture and commit ourselves to prayerful study of God’s Word, we open ourselves to transformation, and we take another step on the path of the Way of Love,” said Richelle Thompson, deputy director and managing editor of Forward Movement. “The Good Book Club offers a wonderful way to celebrate Epiphany by diving deep into this gospel and the story of the true light of the world.”

The Good Book Club website lists the daily readings and partners as well as a variety of resources and formation tools. Spanish resources and information are available at and  Organizations, including dioceses, that would like to partner and develop resources for the wider church should contact Richelle Thompson at

Forward Movement is a ministry of the Episcopal Church that inspires disciples and empowers evangelists. With offices in Cincinnati, Ohio, Forward Movement offers online resources, digital products, books, pamphlets, and Forward Day by Day. Learn more at

For more information, contact Richelle Thompson at or 513-721-6659, ext. 315.