Public Affairs

Church Planting and Missional Initiative grant application process continues

More than 50 applications have been received in the first round of submissions for the 2016 grant cycle for new church starts and Mission Enterprise Zones in The Episcopal Church, and the General Convention Advisory Group welcomes and invites more applications and inquiries.

“It is with great joy and anticipation that the Advisory Group has received so many applications for new and continuing church starts and missional initiatives,” commented the Rev. Jane Gerdsen of the Diocese of Southern Ohio and chairperson of the Group. “In addition, more than 25% have a special focus on mission and ministry with Latinos/Hispanics in the Spanish-speaking community.”

Application, guidelines and information are available here.  

Resolution D005 and Resolution A012 approved by General Convention in July 2015 authorized new and continued funding for church plants and Mission Enterprise Zones throughout the Episcopal Church. Newly created grants will be awarded to dioceses and already-established ministries exploring possibilities for new initiatives or expansion. The funding also calls for the creation of a community of practice for equipping the church with resources for assessment, coaching, networking, and the sharing of best practices.  

According to research presented by the Rev. Susan Snook of the Diocese of Arizona and an Executive Council member, the Episcopal Church started only three new churches in 2012.  “The volume of the submissions indicates significant growth in interest and support for church planting and mission as the Episcopal Church seeks to continue in the Jesus Movement,” she said.

More information about the church planting initiative is here   

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Members of the General Convention Advisory Group and their dioceses are: the Rev. Jane Gerdsen, chairperson, Southern Ohio; the Rev. Valerie Bailey Fischer, Newark; Erendira Jimenez-Pike, Kentucky; the Rev. Michael Michie, Dallas; the Rev. Alex Montes Vela, Texas; the Rev. Katie Nakamura Rengers, Alabama; the Rev. Zachary Nyein, East Tennessee; the Rev. David Perkins, Lexington; the Rev. Canon Jesus Reyes, El Camino Real; Bishop George Sumner, Jr., Dallas; the Rev. Canon Janet Waggoner, Fort Worth. The Rev. Canon Frank Logue of Georgia and the Rev. Canon Tanya Wallace of Western Massachusetts are liaisons from Executive Council.  Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and President of the House of Deputies the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings are Ex Officio members.  The Rev. Canon Stephanie Spellers is staff advisor. The Rev. Tom Brackett is the staff liaison.