Celebrating Baptism video series and reflection guides now available

The sacrament of baptism is an opportunity for joy, power, and a deep connection with tradition. Celebrating Baptism offers an opportunity to teach and learn about this sacrament through a free video series and accompanying reflection guides available from The Episcopal Church here.

“Through our baptism we seek to follow the way of Jesus; we are named as one of God’s own,” said Jerusalem Greer, staff officer for evangelism for The Episcopal Church, “As beloved, we celebrate our new life in the body of Christ, and then invite others into transformative relationship with God, others, and creation. When we live wholeheartedly into this understanding of our identity as baptized Christians following the way of love, we have a greater opportunity to change not just our own lives, but the world.”

Celebrating Baptism follows the Gregory family as they navigate the process of preparing their young daughter, Anna, for baptism. Watch as they discover the beautiful reason why we baptize, create lifelong relationships with the community of believers on this journey with them, and connect with the ancient history of God’s presence through this outward sacrament of inner grace. 

“Whether participants are preparing for baptism, reaffirming their baptismal vows, or simply learning about the Episcopal theology of baptism, we hope that this series will help inform and inspire all who participate into a greater understanding of what it means to live a baptized life,” says Greer.

This series is also appropriate for use as part of confirmation, inquirers, and new member classes, or in conjunction with a small group study of the chapters on baptism from a resource such as Walk in Love: Episcopal Belief and Practices published by Forward Movement. Additionally, the series is broken into 3 sessions, and leaves room for a 4th session to be offered that could include a baptismal rehearsal or deeper question and answer time with clergy. These sessions are user friendly and can be taught by clergy or laity.

Celebrating Baptism is available here. Group discussion and reflection guides are provided for each of the three sessions. Access the guides by clicking the “Watch Episode” button.

Categories: Baptism, Evangelism