The Office of Public Affairs

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Campus ministry grant applications accepted for 2016-2017 academic year

April 21, 2016
Office of Public Affairs

Applications are now accepted for grant proposals for the 2016-2017 academic year from dioceses, parishes or community colleges/colleges/universities for new as well as current campus ministries in higher education institutions located throughout The Episcopal Church.

“These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry (or ecumenical ministry with an Episcopal presence) in a diocese, congregation or community college/tribal college/university campus who are doing or seek to do ministry with young adults on and off college campuses,” explained the Rev. Shannon Kelly, Episcopal church Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries.  “The proposals for grants are meant to assist in the start-up of new ministries or the restart of dormant ministries for young adults on and off college and university campuses.”

A total of $133,000 is available for the 2016-17 academic year.

There are three categories of grants:

  1. Leadership Grant: to establish a new, restore a dormant, or reenergize a current campus ministry. The grant will range between $20,000 – $30,000 and can be used over a two-year period.
  2. Campus Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative campus ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants will range from $3,000 -$5,000.
  3. Young Adult Ministry Grants: to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative young adult ministries or to enhance a current ministry. Grants range from $3,000 – $5,000.

“We hope this application process can be an invitation to consider how Young Adult and Campus Ministry in the Episcopal Church can minister to young adults on and off college campuses, including community college and tribal college campuses, non-traditional degree programs, in the military, and young adults who are not in college,” Kelly continued. “We also invite grant proposals that seek to intentionally engage young adults and college students who have not been a part of a faith community in the Episcopal Church.”

Guidelines, additional information and to submit a proposal(s) here.  

Applications must have the approval of the diocesan bishop and must be submitted online.

Deadline for submitting grant proposals is May 23.

Grant applications will be reviewed by a committee which is comprised of members of the Young Adult and Campus Ministry Council and individuals who are active in ministry to young adults on and off college campuses.

For more information contact Kelly