Public Affairs

Call for papers: The Theology of Gratitude

The United Thank Offering (UTO) and Bexley Seabury Seminary invite scholars in philosophy, religion, theology, and other relevant disciplines to offer papers on The Theology of Gratitude.

This call for papers comes in recognition that gratitude has become a phenomenon in popular culture and is written about in books ranging from self-help to the Harvard Business Review. Scholarly engagement has developed primarily in the psychological community, which has demonstrated the correlation between gratitude and improvement in personal health and the development of strong, healthy relationships. There is far less scholarship arising within the theological community.

Submissions will be reviewed by a panel of thought leaders in The Episcopal Church. Authors of select papers will be invited to present their submissions as part of a Convocation and Scholars Conference in Chicago, April 23–24, 2020. Convocation speaker Diana Butler Bass will respond to the papers at the end of the conference. Presenters’ papers will be published in the Fall 2021 issue of The Anglican Theological Review (ATR). Housing will be provided; presenters will be responsible for transportation to and from Chicago.

  • Papers due: January 15, 2020
  • Paper selections announced: February 28, 2020
  • Convocation & Scholars Conference: April 23-24, 2020
  • Polished papers due: October 30, 2020
  • Final papers due: April 2021
  • Papers published in November 2021 ATR Fall 2021 Issue

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