Public Affairs

Apply now for campus ministries grants

Applications are now accepted by the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society for grant proposals from dioceses, parishes or community colleges/colleges/universities for new as well as current campus ministries in higher education institutions located throughout The Episcopal Church.

“The proposals for grants are meant to assist in the start-up of new campus ministries or the restart of dormant campus ministries,” explained the Rev. Shannon Kelly, Acting Missioner for Campus and Young Adult Ministries for the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society.

There are two categories of grants:

• A series of Campus Ministries grants to provide seed money to assist in the start-up of new, innovative campus ministries or to enhance a current program; grants will range from $3,000 to $5,000.

• One Leadership grant to establish a new, restore a dormant, or re-energize a current campus ministry; the grant will range between $20,000 and $30,000 and can be used over a two-year period with all monies being dispersed in 2015

The grant applications are for the 2015-2016 academic year with the monies being dispersed in 2015. Deadline for submitting grant proposals is April 30.

Guidelines, additional information and to submit a proposal(s) here

A total of $95,292 in grant money is available.

For more information contact Kelly




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Categories: Public Affairs