Public Affairs

Applications now accepted for Episcopal Church Young Adult Discernment and Vocation Officer

Applications are currently being accepted for the newly created position of Episcopal Church Young Adult Discernment and Vocation Officer.

Working directly with the Young Adult and Campus Ministries Officer and the Transition Ministry Officer as a member of the Mission Office, the position will be based at the Church Center in New York City.

“This new position affirms The Episcopal Church”s commitment to create a space for young adults to enter into dialogue and explore areas of ministry with the church, and not just ordained ministry,” noted the Rev. Douglas Fenton, Young Adult and Campus Ministries Officer. “It offers a new focus by inviting all young adults and especially those from Native, Asian, black and Hispanic/Latino/Latina communities to offer their gifts and talents for the work of the church in the world.”

“The Episcopal Church has an opportunity through this position to intentionally welcome the gifts, talents and call of young people who possess the capacity for transformational leadership in our church,” stated the Rev. Victoria Duncan, Transition Ministry Officer. “The person for this new position will work with dioceses and individual young adults to discern where young leaders are being called to step into significant ministry in our church.”

According to the job summary: The Young Adult Discernment & Vocation Officer will combine strategies for recruitment, development, mentoring and ongoing support for young leaders in the Church for God”s mission in the world and will work in collaboration with the Office for Transition Ministry and the Office for Young Adult and Campus Ministries.

Duties include partnering with dioceses to identify and recruit young adults, with an emphasis on young adults of color, and to engage in the discernment for lay and ordained ministry in the Church.

Full job description, requirements and other details available here:

The application deadline is September 14.

For more info or to submit a cover letter and a resume with references, email and indicate in the subject line “Young Adult Discernment & Vocation Officer.” No telephone inquiries, please. Qualified applicants will be contacted.

The Episcopal Church Center is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks qualified candidates from protected groups as defined under Federal and New York State laws as well as General Convention resolutions. The Episcopal Church does not discriminate in employment decisions on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital or military veteran status.

The Episcopal Church welcomes all who worship Jesus Christ in 109 dioceses and three regional areas in 16 nations. The Episcopal Church is a member province of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

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Categories: Public Affairs