Public Affairs

Applications accepted for domestic poverty ministry grants

Applications are now accepted for grants from the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society that center on new or revitalized efforts in domestic poverty ministry.

The purpose of the grants is to engage Episcopalians in ministry among the economically impoverished in the United States; To provide opportunity to the marginalized to overcome chronic adversities; To challenge unjust structures that perpetuate the cycle of poverty; and to inspire the wider church to more deeply engage with the poor.

The focus of the grants is Mark IV of the Anglican Marks of Mission: To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation.

“A successful application will demonstrate a passion for, and an innovative approach to, inviting Episcopalians into a deep relationship with the poor,” explained the Rev. Canon Mark Stevenson, the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society’s Domestic Poverty Missioner. “The work should include a plan for sustainability beyond the scope of the grant – either in a continuation of the original proposal or through an evolutionary process that leads to something new.”

Areas of ministry might include, but are not limited to: community development; early childhood development; education for children, youth or adults; health; homelessness/affordable housing; hunger; microbusiness and/or entrepreneurship; and racial reconciliation.

Grant awards will range between $5,000 and $30,000.

All domestic Episcopal dioceses, congregations and institutions are eligible to apply.

Grant applications, overview and instructions are available here  All applications must have the endorsement of the diocesan bishop. Deadline for applying is April 30.

For additional information, contact Stevenson.





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