Public Affairs

An Outpouring of Generosity: Giving at the 79th General Convention

The Episcopal Church Office of Development celebrates and gives thanks for the many donors who contributed to the offerings of daily worship service at last month’s 79th General Convention in Austin, Texas. Over $20,000 was raised in support of mission and ministries of the Episcopal Church.

“Recognizing that some ministries of the church can only be accomplished by the entire church working together, the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies, in consultation with the treasurer and other members of the executive leadership team designated three ministries as recipients of the offerings made during General Convention,” said Tara Holley, director of development for the Episcopal Church. “These ministries provide vital services throughout the United States and the World.”

The ministries designated as recipients of the daily worship offerings include:

During each service, worshippers were invited to designate their gift for one of the above worship offertory designees. Options included text-giving via attendees’ smart phones in addition to the expected plate giving via cash and checks. Undesignated cash or checks were divided equally among the three, while any directed gift was earmarked directly for that particular ministry. Visitors to the Episcopal Church Office of Development’s booth in the General Convention exhibit hall were also invited to make a gift or pledge.

Text-giving was a popular option, generating more than $15,300. An additional $4,700 was received from plate giving via cash and checks.  Offerings made during the United Thank Offering’s in-gathering worship service on Friday, July 6, totaled $1,740 for the UTO.

Overall, more than 600 donors gave, and it is anticipated that gifts will continue to come in throughout the summer. The collective generosity of these individuals makes a direct impact on our collective life and witness as the Episcopal branch of the Jesus Movement. General Convention attendees and all Episcopalians who have not yet made a gift in support of these many worthy ministries can do so by visiting the Office of Development at and make a gift online.

For more information contact:
Tara Elgin Holley, Director of Development
512.466.3836 or