The Office of Public Affairs

The Public Affairs Office provides statistics, biographies, photos, background information, and other resources to media representatives reporting on the mission and ministries of The Episcopal Church

Amanda Skofstad named Public Affairs Officer for The Episcopal Church

April 21, 2021
Office of Public Affairs

Amanda Skofstad of South Bend, Ind., has been named public affairs officer for The Episcopal Church. In this role, she will serve as a member of the Presiding Bishop’s staff.

“Amanda brings an exciting combination of skills and experiences to the Domestic and Foreign Missionary Society,” Chief Operating Officer Geof Smith said. “We are thrilled to have her joining us – she is someone who can bring our Public Affairs Office to a whole new level.”

As public affairs officer, Skofstad is part of the Office of Communication, with responsibility for maintaining and strengthening media relationships outside The Episcopal Church, and for working with communications staff and church leadership to develop quality communications within the church. After the Presiding Bishop, the public affairs officer also serves as spokesperson for The Episcopal Church.

Skofstad brings extensive experience in communications and media relations, serving most recently as assistant director of media relations at the University of Notre Dame. She also served as communications program director for Notre Dame International as a member of the senior leadership team and as a publicist for Ave Maria Press, where she managed multiple publicity campaigns. In addition, she has worked as a marketing administrator, magazine editor, and writer.

Since 2017, she has volunteered as a court-appointed special advocate for children in the juvenile court system and/or foster care.

Skofstad begins her duties May 10. She can be contacted at