Advent Resources: Journeying the Way of Love and Preparing to Become the Beloved Community

This Advent, the Episcopal Church invites congregations, dioceses, and communities of faith to await the coming of Christ by moving through the first two chapters of the Gospel of Luke.  Luke’s gospel provides a pattern for understanding how to live the way of love as individuals, as families and friends, as a community, and out in the world.

Advent curriculum:  Journeying the Way of Love

Journeying the Way of Love is a new, four-week Advent curriculum pegged to readings and themes from the Sunday lectionary. Sessions are designed for use during the Christian formation hour offerings at churches and ministries exploring the Way of Love.


  • Advent One: The Annunciation: Saying “Yes” to the Journey
  • Advent Two: Mary and Elizabeth: Journeying with Family and Friends
  • Advent Three: The Birth of John the Baptist: Journeying with Community
  • Advent Four: The Birth of Jesus: Journeying with the World
  • Curriculum Resources: Journeying the Way of Love Advent Calendar, discussion questions about spiritual practices, starting a rule of life, scripture passages

Participants are encouraged to read and reflect on the passages in Luke throughout Advent and “try on” the spiritual practices of the Way of Love. The Journey of Love Advent Calendar offers daily suggestions for engaging in the seven practices that encompass the Way of Love.

The curriculum and advent calendar can be downloaded here.

Spanish language materials available November 15, 2018.

Advent Curriculum: Preparing to Become the Beloved Community

Advent is a season of preparation; a time to prepare our hearts and communities for the coming of Christ, the Almighty God who came among us poor and homeless, a stranger and a child. There may be no better time to reflect on how we, as the Episcopal Church, embrace the Holy One who continues to draw near in the neighbor, the stranger, the refugee, or the one who seems the most “other” to you. It is the ideal season to commit to becoming the Beloved Community and growing loving, liberating, life-giving relationships across the human family of God.

The journey is framed around the four quadrants of the labyrinth: Telling the truth about our churches and race; proclaiming the dream of the beloved community; practicing the way of love in the pattern of Jesus; and repairing the breach in institutions and society. Groups are invited to “walk” sections of the labyrinth each week in Advent, engaging in scripture, reflections, and activities.

The curriculum may be downloaded here.

Spanish and Creole materials available November 9, 2018