Public Affairs

Advent Observations for 2016: Make Ready The Feast

The liturgical season of Advent begins on Sunday, November 27, and for 2016, the Episcopal Church is offering resources focusing on Make Ready The Feast.

Daily from Advent 1 (November 27) through Christmas Day (December 25), Make Ready The Feast, available here will highlight one scripture citation and one recipe with background information on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and the Episcopal Church website.

Videos will also be offered here.  The first video, Two Tables, features young adult Maggy Keet of New York City discussing two tables – one for the Lord’s banquet and the other for her family and friends’ banquet.

The resources of Make Ready The Feast are ideal for personal, congregational and community planning and scheduling of Advent observances.

“Advent calls us to a time of preparation and hope as we await the birth of the Christ Child,” commented Mary Brennan, Episcopal Church Mission Communication Officer.  “One tangible expression of this call is planning, cooking, and sharing a meal or special dish that brings sustenance and comfort to others and to ourselves. The importance of providing food for both body and soul is found throughout the Bible. Coming to the table – in whatever condition or station of life – is essential to our faith.”

The recipes represent diverse cultures and traditions, demonstrating the strong relationships that cross borders and oceans in The Episcopal Church and Anglican Communion. Among the variety of recipes included in Make Ready The Feast are:

•           Roast buffalo from First Nations Kitchen, a ministry of All Saints’ Episcopal Indian Mission in Minneapolis

•           Turkey bone gumbo from Louisiana

•           Boiled pork with green vegetables, an original Hmong family recipe

•           Soup Joumou and Black Rice from Haiti

•           Christmas pudding from the Episcopal Church Young Adult Service Corps (YASCers) in the United Kingdom

•           Southern pralines from Georgia

•           Buckeye candy from Ohio

Special kick off on November 20

The first recipe, featuring a traditional Christmas pudding, will be unveiled on Sunday, November 20, celebrated as Christ the King Sunday.


For more information contact Brennan


Categories: Advent