Public Affairs

Advancing to General Convention 2018: Registration open for children’s program; Applications accepted for counselors, junior counselors

Registration is now open for the Children’s Program and applications are being accepted for volunteer counselor and junior counselor opportunities at the 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church.   

The 79th General Convention of the Episcopal Church will be held Thursday, July 5 to Friday, July 13 at The Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas (Diocese of Texas).

Children’s Program

“The General Convention Children’s Program is so much more than just a place for children to be while their parents do church work,” stated Caren Miles of the Diocese of California, Children’s Program Director for General Convention. “It is an opportunity that not only transforms the child, but can lower the average age of deputations by allowing parents/guardians of school-age children to serve as deputies.”

  • General Convention will offer a daily program for children ranging in age from newborn to fifth grade.  Volunteer opportunities are available for sixth grades and up.
  • The Children’s Program will operate Wednesday, July 4 to Friday, July 13, 7:15 am through the close of the business session. An open house will be held on Tuesday, July 3.
  • The curriculum is grounded in the Episcopal Relief & Development’s Abundant Life Garden Project along with stories from Godly Play.
  • Cost is $50 per day and includes lunch and snacks.
  • Register here
  • The registration deadline is June 29.
  • The schedule and more information are located here.
  • Children of deputies, alternates, bishops, volunteers, and others attending General Convention are eligible for the children’s program. 
  • Scholarships may be available.


For more information, contact Miles at

Counselors and junior counselors

Applications are now accepted for adults and youth to serve as counselors and junior counselors in the General Convention Children’s Program.

“We are looking for youth who are willing to work hard and have fun,” Miles explained. “We are especially looking for individuals who are good working in teams, enjoy being able lead as well as follow, are good listeners, and see working with children at convention as a ministry to the church.”

Adult applicants for counselors apply here.

Youth applicants must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently in sixth-12th grade and between the ages of 12 and 18.
  • Have parent(s) already registered for General Convention as a bishop, deputy, exhibitor, or volunteer (and parents agree to take responsibility of their teen while not on duty).
  • Be willing to work various shifts during General Convention.
  • Attend an all-day training in Austin on July 3.
  • Youth Volunteers for Jr. Counselors apply here.
  • A recommendation from the applicant’s clergy person and one other adult with whom the applicant has worked is required.
  • Applications will be accepted through May 15. Notification of acceptance or denial as a counselor will be communicated by May 31.

For more information, contact Miles at

The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years to consider the legislative business of the church.  General Convention is the bicameral governing body of the Church, comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Church, at more than 800 members.