Public Affairs

Advancing to General Convention 2018: “Overview Calendar: What’s Happening at General Convention”

The General Convention 2018 schedule and events along with related activities are available in the “Overview Calendar: What’s Happening at General Convention.”

The Episcopal Church 79th General Convention will be held Thursday, July 5 to Friday, July 13, 2018 at The Austin Convention Center, Austin, Texas (Diocese of Texas).

“Overview Calendar: What’s Happening at General Convention” offers calendars for official General Convention events, Episcopal Church Women Triennial meeting, exhibit and registration schedules, and events taking place in Austin related to Episcopal Church and General Convention.

“General Convention is a time to come together: to plan mission and ministry, worship, network, review friendships, and build community,” said the Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Barlowe, General Convention Executive Officer.  “Our new “Overview Calendar” is one way that we can easily see the many opportunities for us – including the official events – and plan accordingly.  People using our app, for instance, will be able to create their own, personalized calendar –customizing their days at General Convention around the legislative sessions, liturgies, and events they want to attend.  The “Overview Calendar” is going to help us all participate more fully in diverse, rich experiences, and add some order to the excitement that animates Convention.”

“Overview Calendar: What’s Happening at General Convention” is available on the General Convention website here or here.

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The Episcopal Church’s General Convention is held every three years to consider the legislative business of the church.  General Convention is the bicameral governing body of the Church, comprised of the House of Bishops, with upwards of 200 active and retired bishops, and the House of Deputies, with clergy and lay deputies elected from the 109 dioceses and three regional areas of the Church, at more than 800 members. Between Conventions, the General Convention continues to work through its committees and commissions.  The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church carries out the programs and policies adopted by General Convention.