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2018 Parochial Reports Due to Dioceses March 1 and General Convention Office May 1: Online filing available

February 6, 2019
Office of Public Affairs

Online filing for the 2018 Parochial Report for all Episcopal Church congregations is now available on The Episcopal Church website. In addition to the form, the page also offers step-by-step instructions and workbooks to guide you through this process.

“The annual Parochial Report has traditionally played a major role as the Church plans its mission and ministry,” said the Rev. Canon Dr. Michael Barlowe, Executive Officer of General Convention.

Barlowe also noted that all congregations should have received their 2018 Parochial Report Packet in the mail. The Parochial Report mailing included an explanatory letter along with the congregation’s login information.

Congregations unable to file online can utilize a printable form, available on The Episcopal Church website here.

The canonical deadline for the 2018 Parochial Report to your Diocese is March 1. However, please check with your diocese for particular diocesan requirements.

By May 1st all reports should be reviewed and marked complete by your diocese to the Executive Office of the General Convention.

Congregations that did not receive the 2018 Parochial Report mailing should immediately contact their diocesan administrator for their login information.

Instructions and workbooks are available here.

“I am grateful for the considerable effort clergy and congregational leadership put into the careful preparation of the Parochial Report,” Barlowe added.

The Parochial Report is the oldest, continuous gathering of data by The Episcopal Church.  By tradition and canon, the reporting requirements are developed by the House of Deputies’ Committee on the State of the Church, using a form approved by the Church’s Executive Council. Seen as an annual rite of passage throughout The Episcopal Church, and overseen by the Executive Officer of General Convention, the Parochial Report touches every congregation of the church.  Together with other data, including that of the Recorder of Ordinations and the Registrar of General Convention, the Parochial Report provides an insight to the state of the church.