Public Affairs

20 Episcopalians serving as missionaries through the Young Adult Service Corps

Twenty young adults representing 18 Episcopal Church dioceses are serving as missionaries in the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC) for the 2016-2017 term in locales throughout the Anglican Communion. Five of them are continuing their ministries with YASC for a second year.

YASC is a ministry of the Episcopal Church for young adults, ages 21 – 30, who are interested in exploring their faith in new ways by living and serving in communities around the Anglican Communion.

Each YASC missionary maintains a blog, detailing his/her service, reflections and adventures. Elizabeth Boe, Episcopal Church Global Networking Officer and a former YASC missionary who served in Tanzania, said blogs enable the young adults to serve as evangelists both in their host dioceses and at home.


Meet the YASC missionaries

The 15 YASC missionaries, their home dioceses, host dioceses, and blog addresses are:


Adrienne Davis, Diocese of Southern Virginia

Adrienne is serving with Helpers for Domestic Helpers at St. John’s Cathedral in the Diocese of Hong Kong Island.  Her blog is here


Lexy Fields, Diocese of Florida

Lexy is teaching at Hogar Escuela in the Diocese of Costa Rica.  Her blog is here  


Alexa Henault, Diocese of Rhode Island

Alexa is teaching at Hogar Escuela in the Diocese of Costa Rica.  Her blog is here


Mitch Honan, Diocese of Connecticut

Mitch is teaching at the St Barnabas Agricultural Center in the Diocese of Haiti.  His blog is here  


Zach Jeffers, Diocese of Upper South Carolina

Zach is serving with Mission to Seafarers in the Diocese of Western Kowloon, Hong Kong.  His blog is here


Kate Jewett-Williams, Diocese of Dallas and Diocese of Oklahoma

Kate is serving with Tsedaqah Community Ministry in the Diocese of Liverpool.  Her blog is here


Jourdan Johnson, Diocese of Connecticut

Jourdan is working with social services outreach in the Diocese of Southwestern Brazil.  Her blog is here


Jack Karn, Diocese of Vermont

Jack is working with Jerusalem Peace Builders in the Diocese of Jerusalem.  His blog is here


Emily Kirk, Diocese of East Tennessee

Emily is serving with Tsedaqah Community Ministry in the Diocese of Liverpool. Her blog is here


Elijah Lewis, Diocese of Upper South Carolina

Elijah is implementing projects at the St Barnabas Agricultural Center in the Diocese of Haiti.  His blog is here


Kellan Lyman, Diocese of Louisiana

Kellan is working with the ECARE Foundation in the Diocese of Northern Philippines.  Her blog is here


Wil Merchant, Episcopal Church in South Carolina

Wil is serving with the Asian Rural Institute in the Anglican Church in Japan.  His blog is here


Charles Merchant, Episcopal Church in South Carolina

Charles is serving with the Holy Cross School in the Diocese of Grahamstown, South Africa.  His blog is here


Brooklyn Payne, Diocese of Missouri

She is serving with the Bella Vista Girls Home in the Diocese of Panama.  Her blog is here


Tristan Tucker, Diocese of Springfield

Tristan is teaching at All Saints’ School in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern Philippines. His blog is here


All the blogs are here:


Second Year YASCers

The five YASC missionaries who are serving a second year, their home dioceses, host dioceses and blog addresses are:


Naomi Cunningham, Diocese of Kansas

Naomi is serving a second year with the American Cathedral in Paris in the Convocation of Episcopal Churches in Europe. Her blog is here


Tristan Holmberg, Diocese of Kansas

Tristan is serving a second year with the ECARE Foundation in the Diocese of Northern Luzon, Philippines. His blog is here


Rachel McDaniel, Diocese of West Tennessee

Rachel is the Julia Chester Emery United Thank Offering 2016-17 intern. Her blog is here


James Rose, Diocese of Southwestern Virginia, Diocese of Georgia

James is serving a second year with Mission to Seafarers in Kobe, Japan. His blog is here


Bryan Vélez García, Diocese of Puerto Rico

Bryan is serving a second year at Church of the Holy Trinity in the Diocese of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His blog is here