“Finding Hope in Hard Times” now available in Spanish

Now available in Spanish is the widely popular free resource from The Episcopal Church, “Finding Hope in Hard Times: Seven Spiritual Practices.”

“We are pleased that now we can offer “Finding Hope in Hard Times” in Spanish,” explained the Rev. Laurel Johnston, the Episcopal Church’s Program Officer for Stewardship. “The demand for “Finding Hope In Hard Times” was great, and we wanted to offer this vital information to our Spanish speaking groups.”

“Finding Hope in Hard Times” is designed to provide faith communities with practical and spiritual disciplines in order to nurture a culture of generosity and hope, in the midst of fear, anxiety and despair,

“’Finding Hope in Hard Times’ is a resource that is significant for our times,” noted the Rev. Canon Anthony Guillén, program officer for the Episcopal Church’s Latino/Hispanic Ministries. “I am so pleased that the Spanish version was produced by the Office of Stewardship in a timely manner so that our Latino members can be equally informed and encouraged in how we as Christians should deal with our tough economic situation.”

Both the Spanish and English versions of “Finding Hope in Hard Times: Seven Spiritual Practices” are available free or download to allow for accessibility throughout the wider church and society.

Prepared by the Episcopal Church Office of Stewardship, “Finding Hope in Hard Times” was adapted from Stewards in a Slump, created by the National Stewardship Office of the Church of England.

To download a copy of “Finding Hope in Hard Times” in English or Spanish: http://www.episcopalchurch.org/files/Hope_In_Hard_Times_booklet1.pdf

To obtain print copies of “Finding Hope in Hard Times,” in English or Spanish, contact Episcopal Books and Resources (EBar) email at ebr@episcopalchurch.org, phone 800 903-5544, or www.episcopalbookstore.org.

Categories: Stewardship