Middle East: A message from the Presiding Bishop

In this season, which for Christians speaks of resurrection and new life, our hearts are lifted by new hopes, however fragile, for peace between Israelis and Palestinians. Important and encouraging steps are being taken by both President Mahmoud Abbas and Prime Minister Ariel Sharon toward resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian crisis. President Bush and his administration have given new impetus to the peace process and renewed their commitment to a two-state solution for Palestine and Israel. Congress is considering legislation that would give economic opportunity to the Palestinians, opportunity that could lead to the stability necessary for Israel and Palestine to live side by side in peace. My prayers are with all of these leaders, and most especially with the Palestinian and Israeli people who for too long have lived with uncertainty and fear. May we give our encouragement and support to these efforts so that all may know the blessings of peace.

The Most Rev. Frank T. Griswold
Presiding Bishop and Primate
The Episcopal Church, USA
